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Tired of dull and dehydrated skin? Read on.

One of the main reasons for dull skin is dehydration. There are many lotions and other skin care products which can help treat dehydrated skin. However this is not enough as dehydrated skin has to be treated both internally and externally in the following ways.

Internal hydration

• Drink lots of water, about 8 to 10 glasses a day excluding the tea, coffee or aerated drinks you drink. Also drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices as it nourishes your skin with natural vitamins and nutrients.

• Eat more of orange and green fruits and vegetables like oranges, carrots and spinach as they are a great source of vitamin A, needed for cell renewal and regeneration.

• Vitamin C is also very helpful at treating dehydrated skin as it helps hydrate the skin and can very well reverse the damage sun does to the skin. Lemon and orange are great sources of vitamin C. so eating an orange a day and a lime juice a day, along with products containing the vitamin helps with skin hydration.

• Vitamin E oil is not an ordinary oil. It is an oil which offers various health benefits like fighting against sun damage and hydrating the skin. This way it helps ensure your skin does not look lifeless and dull. As vitamin E oil is naturally thick, it’s better if you heat it up a bit before applying to your skin.

Vitamin E oil is also available in the form of capsules where you just have to break open the capsules and directly apply it to your skin. You can also mix the oil with your moisturizing lotion and apply. Not only does vitamin E increase your skin’s hydration levels, it also gives your skin a healthy appearance.

External hydration

For external hydration of your skin, you need to limit and avoid taking very hot water baths. It’s better if you bathe in lukewarm water as hot water rips your skin of its moisture. In addition to this, make it a habit to apply moisturizers after showering when your skin is still wet as it helps lock in the moisture.

They also provide your skin with oils and nutrients to help replace all the oils stripped from your skin while showering. It’s recommended to pat or blot your skin with moisturizer after your shower as it helps ensure a thin layer of moisture remains on your skin all the time.

So if you are fed up of your dull and dehydrated skin, implementing these tips in your everyday regime should help improve its appearance by hydrating your skin.