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The Risks & Benefits of chemical peels

After explaining all about the types and meaning of a chemical peel, I found it mandatory on my part to explain both the risks and benefits associated with using chemical peels for wrinkle removal. This was especially after I read and found out that chemical peels can sometimes be very risky for wrinkle removal.

Basically, chemical peels don’t give rise to serious complications. However it does have its share of risks which include the possibility of infection, scarring, a change in skin tone and outbreak of cold sores.

Some people may suffer from burns from the skin after a chemical peel as the peel is so strong that it removes the top layer of skin and removes dead skin cells. Then there are some people who are allergic and develop reactions to the products used for chemical peeling.

Follow your doctor’s instructions for minimal risks

This is because sometimes the peels are made of only acids, without other ingredients normally found in creams and serums for soothing skin layers. It is the high concentration of the acids that leads to redness and discoloration for a long time, like a few weeks after the peel is complete.

I found out that unlike other complications and risks, it is possible to reduce the risks associated with chemical peels if you follow your doctor’s instructions. Moreover, you have to give your complete medical history to your doctor, before undergoing a chemical peel to ensure minimal risks and complications.

Benefits of chemical peels

When you think of benefits, chemical peels provide various benefits to the skin. It helps give you a younger look by reducing wrinkles. It also helps in curing uneven pigmentation on your face and provides relief fro blotchy patches and sun damage.

Basically, chemical peels are not painful. At the most, you may experience a mild stinging sensation during light and medium chemical peels. If you are sensitive to pain, don’t worry as if required, your doctor may prescribe a mild painkiller to provide relief.

Does my skin actually peel during a chemical peel?

Don’t worry or feel embarrassed about asking this penultimate question about chemical peels; even I used to wonder if my skin actually peels off after a chemical peel! It was only after doing all my homework and research; I found out that no peeling of skin occurs here.

Its just that after applying the requisite chemical on your face, the treated skin layers start flaking away to reveal a fresh and new layer of skin beneath!