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Sun exposure and wrinkles

Okay, now that I understood how smoking causes wrinkles, I just had to find out how too much of sun caused wrinkles. I mean, going into the sun is inevitable. Moreover, once again, too much of sun can lead to skin cancer is something I have always heard; but too much of sun causing wrinkles is something new to me!

According to what I found out, as the sun emanates ultraviolet or UV radiation, your skin starts aging prematurely. In fact, I was surprised to learn that the sun was the most important cause for skin cancers and aging skin where 90% of signs of premature skin aging resulted from overexposure to ultraviolet radiation. As most of these effects start by the age of 20, you can see the first signs of wrinkles 20.

The UV rays that the sun emits is divided based on its wavelength. UVC radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere and thus is

Smoking causes Wrinkles

Though I am not a smoker, I never actually knew that smoking is a cause for wrinkles. I always knew that smoking caused cancer, emphysema and other diseases, but never expected it to cause wrinkles, and even sagging skin, dark circles and puffiness! So I was naturally intrigued to find out how actually smoking caused wrinkles.

This was when I learnt that like other pollutants, smoking damaged the skin by producing free radicals. In case you didn’t know, free radicals are unstable molecules that attack healthy cells to bond with them.

This bonding destroys the vigor of the cells, and is what makes your skin look dull, dry and blotchy. By the way, it is these same free radicals in smoke that cause cancer and other chronic diseases.

I also learnt that smoking reduces the

Consider LifeCell Anti Aging and Anti Wrinkle Cream

Why do I use Lifecell?

I started using LifeCell Anti Wrinkle Cream after I tried and tested many other creams out there. A friend's mom had recommended LifeCell for the first time. I tried the cream at my friend's house within the first hour, I knew this was going to work for me. Fortunately enough, Southbeach Skin Care had a 30 day free trial that allowed me to try LifeCell for one month without paying upfront. I liked the results and also got a deal on my refills, so I could pay a discount price on the refills.

LifeCell actually was the last anti wrinkle cream I "TRIED". It worked and despite its price, I realized that in the long run it is very economical and if you consider the other alternatives like Botox, LifeCell is way affordable.

The best thing I like about LifeCell is that you could see how well it reduces the appearance of wrinkles within minutes.

If you go to their official web site you will get access to their current offer that lets you try LifeCell without paying upfront fee. Take advantage of it, I did.

What causes wrinkles?

What causes wrinkles?

Now that I learnt that wrinkles and other aging signs can start at such a tender age of 20, my curiosity in learning what exactly causes wrinkles was tickled. I just had to find out what exactly lead to wrinkles, and why people at such a young age started developing signs of aging in the prime of their life.

1. In my research, I learnt that as we grow older, our skin undergoes various changes. The epidermal cells (which are the upper skin layer cells) start to divide slowly. This makes it difficult for the skin to repair itself, but thus lead to the thinning of the epidermis.

A thin epidermis makes the skin papery and fragile, and it slowly starts losing water. Moisture is essential to the skin; and once your skin starts losing water

Symptoms of Aging

Symptoms of Aging

While I was doing my research on wrinkles, I stumbled across lots of interesting information on not only wrinkles, but also the various signs of aging. If you always thought that aging started in the forties, like I did, you are in for a shock.

I found out that the skin starts aging right from the age group of twenty to forty! So here is a compilation of the signs of aging you can expect at different ages of your life.

20-30 year age group:

This is when you find signs of aging skin manifesting itself in your body. You find some additional fine lines and minor wrinkles starting to appear. There will be an enlargement of skin pores while the skin starts getting dull in color.

You will also experience some

About Me

My name is Monica, and I am a "normal" "middle aged" "woman" leading a normal middle aged life. Actually, I was quite happy till a few years back, when one day while was brushing my teeth; I noticed crow's feet near my eyes!

I was really horrified with this as I knew this was a sign of aging, and that crow's feet would lead to horrifying wrinkles. This was a wake up call for me, which prompted me to carry out some research about wrinkles to find out if it was possible to at least control these wrinkles using the help of creams.

I had no intention at all of letting these wrinkles take over both my social and work life. This is when I started using the internet to read up as much as I could on the topic of wrinkles, and was astonished to learn that wrinkles have always been misunderstood! I learnt that the lines we see on our faces are not 'actual wrinkles'.

I learnt that wrinkles are not actually visible to the human eyes. What we see and think are wrinkles are actually shadows of wrinkles! This made me develop a completely new approach and thinking about treating wrinkles.

I realized that though we have wrinkles, it is not the wrinkles that we have to worry about. I learnt that what we had to do was find a cream that would help me immediately reduce the shadows of wrinkles. LifeCell was the cream for me. It is slightly expensive if you compare it to a lotion, but compare it to surgeries, face lifts, plastic surgeries, and Botox, and it is a run for the money. Very effective in hiding wrinkles.

This prompted me into carrying out a second and different approach for looking for a feasible wrinkle treatment option.