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5 Ingredients to Avoid in Skin Products If You Have Dry Skin

Only a person suffering from dry skin knows how uncomfortable and embarrassing it is. It’s not only unsightly, it’s also rough to the touch which can make things embarrassing to spouses and partners. This dry skin tends to add more spikes to romantic and sensitive moments than needed!

So you naturally want to do something about this dry skin, and turn to skin care products for help. However did you know that some products containing the wrong ingredients can do more harm than good to your skin? So it’s better to look out for, and avoid these ingredients in the skin care products you use for your dry skin.

Only a person suffering from dry skin knows how uncomfortable and embarrassing it is. It’s not only unsightly, it’s also rough to the touch which can make things embarrassing to spouses and partners. This dry skin tends to add more spikes to romantic and sensitive moments than needed!

So you naturally want to do something about this dry skin, and turn to skin care products for help. However did you know that some products containing the wrong ingredients can do more harm than good to your skin? So it’s better to look out for, and avoid these ingredients in the skin care products you use for your dry skin.

1. Alcohol

It is a fact that most skin care products contain some sort of alcohol. It’s required to help ingredients penetrate into the skin, and thus its inclusion. However as it’s usually the gels and lotions which contain a higher concentration of alcohol, they are best avoided. Instead, stick to thicker creams which use minimal alcohol which is usually listed far down the list of ingredients!

2. Retinoids

Reginoids are popularly used in many products across the world for treating adult acne, skin conditions like psoriasis and warts and wrinkles. However unfortunately, people with dry skins should avoid these products as retinoid can be too harsh on dry skin. Moreover, as its side effect is irritation, using it on parched skin only spells disaster!

3. Salicylic acid

You may think, and know that salicylic acid is a good skin softener with exfoliating properties which can treat dry skin if used properly. However it can be dangerous to your dry skin if you buy it OTC and apply to your skin. The best thing you should do is ask your dermatologist what is a safe percentage of salicylic acid to use on your skin.

4. Preservatives and fragrances

Skin specialists vouch that these are a prime cause for skin allergies. In fact, they can also end up turning your complexion into a dry and flaky mess if they irritate your skin. So look around for a fragrance and preservative free cream as though it may not smell nice, it’s better on your skin!

5. Benzoyl peroxide

This is an ingredient which is great for treating acne. However it can at times trigger negative reactions to your skin like peeling, irritation, itching and redness.

Now you know which 5 ingredients to avoid, you can make better choices while looking for the perfect skin care product for your dry skin!