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Risks and Complications of Microdermabrasion

Okay, now we all know that microdermabrasion is a very popular skin resurfacing procedure. However, I (and I am sure you too) don’t know that it has its share of risks and contraindications. So I have here compiled a list of all the side effects associated with microdermabrasion, furnished by people who have actually undergone microdermabrasion.

1. Microdermabrasion tends to tamper the skin’s color balance. This means you will get darker or lighter patches of skin after microdermabrasion. This risk is comparatively larger in people with darker skin than those with light skin as microdermabrasion only removes the top layer of dead skin cells.

2. If the doctor performing microdermabrasion does not handle the microdermabrasion machine properly, or if it hasn’t been sterilized, you may suffer from hyper pigmentation, infections or skin injuries. This is a rarity, but is possible.

3. There is the risk of your inhaling the micro crystals used during the microderm procedure. However the aluminum oxide crystals used in microdermabrasion does not cause any adverse reactions, are not toxic or carcinogenic. It is only if you ingest these micro crystals in large quantities, which is highly unlikely, that it can lead to respiratory problems.

4. At the start of microdermabrasion, there were people who suffered from eye problems because of stray crystals entering their eyes during their treatment. However today, to prevent this, plastic surgeries, beauty salons and spas offer plastic or rubber goggles to be worn during microdermabrasion.

5. Though it is normal to experience some sensitivity, flaking and redness of the skin after microdermabrasion, too much has to be reported to the doctor.

How to prevent these side effects

As all these side effects of microdermabrasion are rather minute, it is possible to avoid them if you take the necessary steps and precautions. It is better to avoid sunlight after microdermabrasion as the skin is very sensitive.

Sunlight exposure can lead to skin irritation and increased redness. You could also try using a moisturizer after microdermabrasion to decrease the risk of skin dryness and flaking of microdermabrasion.