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Moist Hemp Bronzing Moisturizer for soft and tanned skin

Moist Hemp Bronzing Moisturizer for soft and tanned skin

If you want a tan, you no longer have to head to the tanning salon. You can now get a tan at home using the great product, the Moist Hemp Bronzing Moisturizer. This is not tanning oil, but is a sunless bronzer that tans your body while moisturizing it.

Yes, you got it. It takes care of two of your beauty requirements at a go. So great and efficient is this moisturizer that you see results immediately, within a few applications. Moreover, it is affordable enough for anyone to apply it on an everyday basis to get that soft and tanned skin you were always looking for.

How to apply

Apply it once when you are just out of the shower, and a second time when you are completely dry for a quick and real tan and for really silky skin. Start with your legs and work upwards and work on your arms last. You don’t have to fan dry yourself as the moisturizer dries rather fast on its own. It does not even smudge your clothes.

It’s better to first try it on a small portion of your face as it can break up if you have sensitive, oily skin. It is however important that you blend the moisturizer well. This means you need to rub it so much that you don’t see the lotion anymore.

Don’t forget to wash your hands after applying it lest you are left with a muddy tan smear in between your fingers. In case there is some staining, just dab some toothpaste on your palms and rub together. You get back your normal, pink palms.

For best results and a real tan, apply it twice a day for the first few days and then perhaps once a day for another few days. If you want a light tan or just want a bit of colour, you can control things by perhaps applying the moisturizer every other day.

Soft and slippery skin

If it’s not a tan you are looking for, you can always use this for its moisturizing abilities. For soft and slippery skin in a day just apply it 4 times a day. There is something unique about the smell of the moisturizer as it’s a mix between a tanning lotion and coconut smell. The moisturiser doesn’t even come off after a shower, unless you have a habit of exfoliating every time.

The Moist Hemp Bronzing Moisturizer is thus a great product. It’s not only a gradual tanner, it gives a nice hint of colour and not an extreme dark tan that is rather obvious. Moreover, its hempseed oil, coconut oil, tea tree oil and CoQ gives you conditioned, firm and hydrated skin with a soft feel and beautiful glow.

Currently available in 2 sizes (2oz and 18oz) here: